
Pink and Blue

This is a shot of my daily meds minus the morning dosage. Starting today, will start a new regimen at the insistence of my doctor.

The big blue pill will remain the same, but have switched from a once-a-day med to the coral pink one, which requires I take it twice a day. 

The new pink ones are about 30 dollars each! However, they have much fewer side effects like night sweats, diarrhea, and should reduce the number of explicitly vivid dreams I have that cause me to lose sleep or wake up in tears of emotional distraught. 

The doctor said that these new meds should also help me deal better with depression. Am nervous as ever about changing meds. But, all I can do is trust that my doc knows best and follow his advice. 

Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that with time, I can return to a more stable place emotionally and mentally. With that achievement, I hope to be able to start running again, work more efficiently and professionally again, and get my life back in order and more stable again.

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