

I am sure that it is just my meds playing games with my mind -- or simply pure coincidence -- but the nagging question lingers as to why I have had another dream of an old teacher from my schoolboy days. 

Last week was a dream of my drama class teacher from junior high. That dream had me waking in tears of sorrow and regret, which was somewhat related to an incident that actually happened in class so many years ago.

Last night's dream was infused with Mrs. Anderson, who was the other 6th grade teacher. She was not even my teacher, but she played a prominent role in the dream. 

At least I didn't awake in tears this time, much to my relief!  I do wish there were a way to analyze dreams for some insight into one's state of mind or for some insight as to what the future holds. That could both be exciting or burdensome. 

And we'll leave it there. Time to get ready for work...

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