
New Shop

A new shop in the neighborhood has opened today. Came across their grand-opening made obvious by the stands of flowers from friends, suppliers, other local businesses, advertisers, etc., offering congratulatory remarks on the cards with each bouquet.


This has got to be one of my favorite podcasts! I could relate to it on so many levels. I especially understood and related very well to the disparity between the mother and the father in the first act.

I thoroughly enjoyed this podcast today during my morning commute on the train to work and enjoyed listening to the rest of it during the commute back home.


I am sure that it is just my meds playing games with my mind -- or simply pure coincidence -- but the nagging question lingers as to why I have had another dream of an old teacher from my schoolboy days. 

Last week was a dream of my drama class teacher from junior high. That dream had me waking in tears of sorrow and regret, which was somewhat related to an incident that actually happened in class so many years ago.

Last night's dream was infused with Mrs. Anderson, who was the other 6th grade teacher. She was not even my teacher, but she played a prominent role in the dream. 

At least I didn't awake in tears this time, much to my relief!  I do wish there were a way to analyze dreams for some insight into one's state of mind or for some insight as to what the future holds. That could both be exciting or burdensome. 

And we'll leave it there. Time to get ready for work...


Young and Beautiful

Listening to: Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey on The Great Gatsby (Music From Baz Luhrmann's Film)



Was feeling under the weather as usual. In the middle of a conversation at home in the kitchen, I became lightheaded and sick to my stomach. 

Upon regaining consciousness, found myself flat on the floor. Could hear and understand my name being called, but felt confused as to why I was being called. 

An ambulance was already on it's way, and soon thereafter, we reached the hospital where I have spent the whole day being poked, probed, and jabbed. 

I just want to go home and take the dogs for a walk. This had been a completely wasted day. Missed work this morning and had to cancel my classes.

Will come back next week to find out what's wrong. The doctor wanted to admit me to the hospital, but I refused. Still need to work and pay the bills. It was embarrassing enough to have to ride in the ambulance. It's not like this is the first time I have ever passed out it happens once every four or five years lately. 



Have been suffering from a severe case of diarrhea and hemroids. This is not the sort of thing I would normally want to share with other persons, but am somewhat worried if I have cancer or not.

Yes, am being somewhat of a hypochondriac, but my lifestyle, and refusal to go in for annual check-ups over the years has put me at a higher risk of lifestyle related illnesses, specifically related to tobacco, drinking copious amounts of coffee, and often avoiding food for 24-hour or 48-hour spans of time.

Today I went to the hospital to visit my psychiatrist to renew my prescription. If I have enough time, plan to visit another hospital closer to home to have my bottom checked. It's so painful, and am running a high fever. 

This is a shot of the lobby of the hospital where I go every month to get my meds.

Here I am able to take care of my chronic illness and mental illness for free since it is a public hospital.



Dale found a stick in the park on the way home today. It was just big enough for her to hold onto and soft enough for her to rip apart!

Unfortunately, she wouldn't let go of the stick and chewed on it in the kitchen making a big mess!