
MM21 Buildings

Landmark Tower in Minato Mirai 21 District of Yokohama on the shores of Tokyo Bay. For many years, this was the tallest building in Japan. A feat considering that the tower was built on reclaimed land in a country notorious for earthquakes. 

The three towers in the middle are referred to collectively as Queen's Square. Office space on the upper floors with lots shopping and restaurants on the lower floors.

One of my favorite shots. I like taking night photography with the tripod. You never quite know how a shot will turn out until you actual close the shutter. It's a lot of fun to experiment! 

This shot was taken in bulb mode with the shutter left open for about 30 seconds. 

There is a small park near the tower where they have maintained the original railroad tracks that were once used when this area was a major port of importing and exporting. The area is still important for that industry, but the facilities have moved down the coast a bit and trucks are used more now than rail.

A local hotel run by a seafarers' (sailors') organization. Typically, the officers of ships stay here while the rest of the crew stay onboard their ship.

Having fun with different angles.

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