
Mary Dale Cemetery

Took Dale and Mary to Hinochuo Cemetery for their evening walk. The sun was finally setting, helping to bring down the temperatures and humidity a bit.

Love taking them for walks in this cemetery. Usually there are no other people around, and Dale loves playing hide-and-seek among the tombstones.

iPhone 4S, Aperture 2.53, f/2.4, ISO 50

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Mary Dale Dealership

Took these shots on a hot summer afternoon after a quick walk to the nearby park.

Both girls were miserable even in the shade of this Toyota used-car dealership sign.

Both shots taken with an iPhone 5, f/2.4, ISO 50, 

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Chinowa (or sometimes referred to as suganuki), is a large ring made of cogon grass that is as tall as a man, and put up on the pathway that leads up to a Shinto shrine. According to Shinto tradition, visitors visit the shrine and walk through the chinowa, which looks like a big Hula-Hoop of grass, in June or July during a purification ceremony to ward off evil.

It was a bit hard to catch a good shot of this chinowa at night using an iPhone.

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Napping Playtime

Mary taking a nap. 

She makes it hard to get up and do some work or anything else for that matter. 

As expected, Dale wants to play fetch with her squeaky ball. 

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Two Girls and a Boy

Took Mary and Dale for a dog walk this afternoon. Got stuck in a rain storm, so we took shelter in a highway underpass until the rain passed.

Mary can't stand the cold and was shivering a lot! So much for her exercise. We ended up playing kangaroo -- me the mother and she the joey.

Finally after the long afternoon walk, Dale chilled out and took her nap on the kitchen floor.

Mary took her nap on my lap as usual.

And Morris, who is too young to go out for dog walks since he hasn't got his vaccinations yet, just chilled out because that is what dogs do best! :-)

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Best & Worst

Finally back home from the hospital after getting stitches in my head and a cast for my thumb.

Took a day off from work and took Dale and Mary for a slow, quiet afternoon walk to the local shrine.

These poor girls have been through a lot in the past few days.

I promise to keep them safe and to make them as happy as I can.

Mary and I have hit it off very well. 

Morris is a new addition, but three dogs is just too much. I need to find a new home for him before I get too attached.

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Red Shrine

Prior to heading home, I visited one of the many, many Shinto shines on the island.

I made the customary offering, offered a prayer, and prepared for the short trek home.

Shinto shrines tend to be not painted, and take pride in the natural color and graceful aging of the wood. Others, however, are painted in bright crimson red. I wonder if their isn't some influence on Shinto architecture from Buddhism that made its way here from China hundreds of years ago.

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