Replica of the German Marksburg Castle. Contains museum commemorating friendly ties between Ryukyu Kingdom (modern-day Okinawa) after locals rescued shipwrecked Germans in 1873. Taken during business trip to Okinawa.
ISO 100 @ ƒ/9 for 1/400 sec.
#castle #UenoGermanCultureVillage #MiyakoIsland #Okinawa #城 #うえのドイツ文化村 #宮古島 #沖縄
The Nansei-Rakuen Hakuai Palace-Kan hotel (南西楽園 博愛パレス館 built in 1993) was severely damaged by Typhoon Maemi in 2003 and has been abandoned ever since.
ISO 100 @ ƒ/11 for 1/200 sec.
#hotel #HakuaiPalace #MiyakoIsland #Okinawa #博愛パレス館 #放棄されたホテル #宮古島 #沖縄
Seaside morning glory blossom growing among weathered limestone located on the coast near a hotel that was abandoned after Typhoon Maemi in 2003.
ISO 100 @ ƒ/8 for 1/320 sec.
#coastmorningglory #seasidemorningglory ##MiyakoIsland #Okinawa #グンバイヒルガオの花 #ハマカンダー #アミフィーバナ #宮古島 #沖縄
Macro shot of a young plant sprouting up from among deep, sharp crevices of limestone weathered by coastal winds, waves, typhoons, and tsunamis. Might be a young Easter lily or trumpet lily.
ISO 100 @ ƒ/8 for 1/160 sec.
#sprout #limestone #coastalarea #MiyakoIsland #Okinawa #新芽 #石灰岩 #沿岸地域 #宮古島 #沖縄
Easter lily growing out of a deep, limestone crevice at the water’s edge on the southern coast of Miyako Island, Okinawa.
ISO 100 at ƒ/8 for 1/200 sec.
#ユリ #テッポウユリ #宮古島 #沖縄 #lily #EasterLily #TrumpetLily #MiyakoIsland #Okinawa
Easter lily growing out of a deep, limestone crevice at the water’s edge on the southern coast of Miyako Island, Okinawa.
ISO 100 at ƒ/8 for 1/400 sec.
#ユリ #テッポウユリ #宮古島 #沖縄 #lily #EasterLily #TrumpetLily #MiyakoIsland #Okinawa
A Costus comosus (red tower ginger or spiral ginger) growing in the garden of the business hotel. Seems to grow in any tropical environment like Hawaii, Oceania, and coastal areas of Southeast Asia.
ISO 100 at ƒ/7.1 for 1/60 sec.
#コスタスコモススベイケリ #沖縄県 #宮古島 #南国の花 #庭の花 #CostusComosus #RedTowerGiner #SpiralGinger #TropicalFlowers
ISO 100 @ ƒ/9 for 1/400 sec.
#castle #UenoGermanCultureVillage #MiyakoIsland #Okinawa #城 #うえのドイツ文化村 #宮古島 #沖縄
The Nansei-Rakuen Hakuai Palace-Kan hotel (南西楽園 博愛パレス館 built in 1993) was severely damaged by Typhoon Maemi in 2003 and has been abandoned ever since.
ISO 100 @ ƒ/11 for 1/200 sec.
#hotel #HakuaiPalace #MiyakoIsland #Okinawa #博愛パレス館 #放棄されたホテル #宮古島 #沖縄
Seaside morning glory blossom growing among weathered limestone located on the coast near a hotel that was abandoned after Typhoon Maemi in 2003.
ISO 100 @ ƒ/8 for 1/320 sec.
#coastmorningglory #seasidemorningglory ##MiyakoIsland #Okinawa #グンバイヒルガオの花 #ハマカンダー #アミフィーバナ #宮古島 #沖縄
Macro shot of a young plant sprouting up from among deep, sharp crevices of limestone weathered by coastal winds, waves, typhoons, and tsunamis. Might be a young Easter lily or trumpet lily.
ISO 100 @ ƒ/8 for 1/160 sec.
#sprout #limestone #coastalarea #MiyakoIsland #Okinawa #新芽 #石灰岩 #沿岸地域 #宮古島 #沖縄
Easter lily growing out of a deep, limestone crevice at the water’s edge on the southern coast of Miyako Island, Okinawa.
ISO 100 at ƒ/8 for 1/200 sec.
#ユリ #テッポウユリ #宮古島 #沖縄 #lily #EasterLily #TrumpetLily #MiyakoIsland #Okinawa
Easter lily growing out of a deep, limestone crevice at the water’s edge on the southern coast of Miyako Island, Okinawa.
ISO 100 at ƒ/8 for 1/400 sec.
#ユリ #テッポウユリ #宮古島 #沖縄 #lily #EasterLily #TrumpetLily #MiyakoIsland #Okinawa
A Costus comosus (red tower ginger or spiral ginger) growing in the garden of the business hotel. Seems to grow in any tropical environment like Hawaii, Oceania, and coastal areas of Southeast Asia.
ISO 100 at ƒ/7.1 for 1/60 sec.
#コスタスコモススベイケリ #沖縄県 #宮古島 #南国の花 #庭の花 #CostusComosus #RedTowerGiner #SpiralGinger #TropicalFlowers

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