Dale-chan Summer Drive
Border collie poking her head out of the back seat window while sitting in traffic.
ISO 200 for 1/160 sec. @ f/7.10
#dog #bordercollie #犬 #ワンちゃん #愛犬 #ボーダーコリー
Palm Trees
Palm trees lining street of Zushi Marina
ISO 200 for 1/640 sec. @ f/8.00
#treew #palmtrees #Zushi #ZushiMarina #シュロの木 #逗子マリーナ
Seaside Bench. Years of exposure to ocean air and typhoons.
ISO 100 for 1/200 sec. @ f/8.00.
#bench #rust #ZushiMarina #ベンチ #逗子マリーナ #さび
She is eyeing the water in a shallow pool at Zushi Marina.
ISO 200 for 1/125 sec. @ f/6.30
#dog #bordercollie #犬 #ワンちゃん #愛犬 #ボーダーコリー
Weather-worn traditional Japanese-style bridge directly behind the Hayama Imperial Villa, which used as an informal winter retreat for Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko.
ISO 100 for 1/100 sec. @ f/5.60
#bridge #traditional #HayamaImperialVilla #橋 #和風 #葉山御用邸
Copper decorative caps on end posts of Japanese-style bridge.
ISO 100 for 1/200 sec. @ f/8.00
#bridge #traditional #HayamaImperialVilla #橋 #和風 #葉山御用邸
Torii gate on outcrop of rocks behind the Hayama Imperial Villa.
ISO 100 for 1/160 sec. @ f/7.10
#鳥居 #葉山御用邸 #相模湾 #ToriiGate #SagamiBay
Storm coming onto the Ohama Coast from Sagami Bay.
ISO 100 for 1/160 sec. @ f/7.10
#大浜海岸 #相模湾 #OhamaCoast #SagamiBay #storm #sea