
Itachi Run

Went for a nice afternoon run with Dale this afternoon. First time to go running this year in 2014. And, almost the first time to go running in about one year. I'm hoping I hope I can get back into the groove of things soon!

We went running along the river nearby in the neighborhood. Came across this colorful mallard duck.

There was also a beautiful white heron, which is also called a snowy egret.

Nike Fuel

I earned 3233 NikeFuel today with Nike+ Move. Get the free app: https://itunes.apple.com/app/nike+-move/id712498492

Sleepy Tennis Player

Dale on classroom chair. Jan. 20, 2014.

Dale playing tug-of-war with a tennis ball in the kitchen. Jan. 31, 2014.

Sleepy girl. Dale in kitchen. Feb. 1, 2014

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Work B**ch

Now Playing:
Work B**ch / Britney Spears



Found Moments by Hammer And Funabashi Feat. Angie Hedman with Shazam, have a listen…

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Hammer And Funabashi Feat. Angie Hedman
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