Border Collie
After following me around the ponds at Mitsuike Park on a warm spring evening, she had worked up a “sweat” and urged me to let her take a break under some cherry tree blossoms. The park was full of children playing soccer, riding bicycles, and playing chase, several young parents were also out on a stroll with their baby in a stroller. About half of the visitors to the park, however, seemed to be there just to enjoy the cherry tree blossoms.
Pentax KP 108mm ISO 100 at ƒ/4.5 for 1/160 sec. No filter.
#bordercollie #pet #dog #pedigreed #canine #animal #purebred #blackandwhitedog #sheepdog
#ボーダーコリー #ペット #犬 #愛犬 #血統書付 #動物 #純血種 #牧羊犬
Commercial license, framed prints, and canvasses:
Cherry Tree Blossoms
Cherry tree blossoms at Mitsuike Park in Yokohama, Japan.
Pentax KP 100mm ƒ/6.3 for 1/60 sec. at ISO 100 with no filter.
#cherryblossoms #petals #sakura #hanami #park #spring #Mitsuike #Yokohama #Japan
#桜 #花びら #花見 #公園 #春 #三ツ池公園 #横浜
Commercial license, framed prints, and canvasses:
Cherry Tree Blossoms
Cherry tree blossoms at Mitsuike Park in Yokohama, Japan.
Pentax KP 300mm ƒ/6.3 for 1/30 sec. at ISO 100 with no filter.
#cherryblossoms #petals #sakura #hanami #park #spring #Mitsuike #Yokohama #Japan
#桜 #花びら #花見 #公園 #春 #三ツ池公園 #横浜
Commercial license, framed prints, and canvasses:

Pix4Japan by Iketani, Daisei is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license are available at Caubarrere Piché.
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