ISO 400 at ƒ/7.1 for 1/400 sec.
#dog #pet #bordercollie #pond #urbandogwalk #minaotomirai #犬 #愛犬 #ペット #ボーダーコリー #町の散歩 #池 #みなとみらい #PentaxKS2
Artwork by Chinese artist Ai Weiwei (based in Germany) where he has hung lifeboats on the façade of Yokohama Museum of Art in reference to the 2017 crisis of refugees fleeing to Europe across the Mediterranean Sea.
ISO 400 at ƒ/11 for 1/250 sec.
#art #museum #YokohamaTriennale2017 #YokohamaMuseumofArt #AiWeiwei #ヨコハマトリエンナーレ2017 #アイウェイウェイ #横浜美術館 #PentaxKS2
After Japan experienced a similar exodus of refugees fleeing war-torn Japan for overseas countries to build their business, farms, and heal their families in Brazil, and other locations abroad, it was hoped that the exhibition might bringer greater awareness to the lives of the refugees.
ISO 400 at ƒ/7/1 for 1/400 sec.
#art #museum #YokohamaTriennale2017 #YokohamaMuseumofArt #AiWeiwei #ヨコハマトリエンナーレ2017 #アイウェイウェイ #横浜美術館 #PentaxKS2
The “Fruits Tree” installation by South Korean artist Choi Jeong Hwa is located in Rinko Park sitting on the edge of the Port of Yokohama. The sculpture commemorates the Japan-South Korea World Cup co-sponsorship in 2002.
ISO 3200 at ƒ/16 for 1/2500 sec.
#art #RinkoPark #MinatoMirai #ChoiJeongHwa #Yokohama #臨港パーク #みなとみらい #フルーツツリー #チェジョンファ #横浜 #PentaxKS2
Standing next to the water front of Rinko Park in the Port of Yokohama on a hot summer afternoon facing inland with views of the hotels, shopping centers, convention center, exhibition center, concert hall, high-rise apartments, and office towers of the Minato Mirai district.
ISO 3200 at ƒ/14 for 1/6000 sec.
#RinkoPark #MinatoMirai #PortofYokohama #Yokohama #臨港パーク #みなとみらい #横浜港 #横浜 #PentaxKS2
Dale-chan taking her break in a pool of water that flows over glazed glass walls in Aka Renga Park. The glass walls are just huge squares with no roof. A peek from above shows pumps and ducts for a heat exchange and storage system for the nearby Red Brick Warehouses, which were built in 1911 and 1913. Such old buildings have no flat roof surface for the cooling & heating systems. A lot of tourists mistake the glass walls with water flowing over as works of art.
ISO 3200 at ƒ/13 for 1/2000 sec.
#dog #pet #bordercollie #AkaRengaPark #RedBrickWarehousePier #PortofYokohama #Yokohama #赤レンガパーク #犬 #愛犬 #ボーダーコリー #みなとみらい #横浜港 #横浜 #PentaxKS2
Streamers stretched across the courtyard between Red Brick Warehouse 1 (1911) and Red Brick Warehouse 2 (1913) in preparation for the Jambo Farm!! Red Brick Paradise event features performances and local foods, craft, and drinks brought in from a variety of cultures that flourish in Africa!
ISO 3200 at ƒ/18 for 1/6000 sec.
#flags #streamers #JamboFarmRedBrickParadsie #RedBrickWarehousePier #PortofYokohama #Yokohama #ジャンボファーム レッドブリック パラダイス #みなとみらい #横浜港 #横浜 #PentaxKS2
Streamers and a mock hippo in the courtyard between Red Brick Warehouse 1 (1911) and Red Brick Warehouse 2 (1913) in preparation for the "Jambo Farm!! Red Brick Paradise" event featuring a super tiny fraction of the various foods, crafts, and drinks found in Africa.
ISO 3200 at ƒ/13 for 1/3200 sec.
#hippo #streamers #JamboFarmRedBrickParadsie #RedBrickWarehouse #PortofYokohama #Yokohama #ジャンボファームレッドブリックパラダイス #みなとみらい #横浜港 #横浜 #PentaxKS2
ISO 3200 at ƒ/13 for 1/3200 sec.
#hippo #streamers #JamboFarmRedBrickParadsie #RedBrickWarehouse #PortofYokohama #Yokohama #ジャンボファームレッドブリックパラダイス #みなとみらい #横浜港 #横浜 #PentaxKS2

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