
Northeast Countryside

Festive taiko drums during festival in Ibaraki Precture.

Kimono- and armor-clad dolls on a traditional float in the parade.

Street decoration for the festival and parade using bamboo and the symbol of the local town.

Paved road running along the top of a river bank.

Warm and wet regardless of the early fall. Love the mist covering the low areas of the valley.

Huge red bridge crossing the river. Normally, the river is not flowing so heavily, so there is a lot of farming going on between the river and the river bank.

Of course, should the waters rise, these farmers will be at a loss.

Growing rice along the river.

The mist completely blocks the view of the mountains in the distance.

Harvested rice and rice waiting to be harvested.

Normally, I don't like the view of power lines scarring the view of the skyline, but these towers are the tallest things in the whole valley of farms and rice paddies.

Even rice farmers get lighted streets!

Green onions waiting to be harvested.

Small town the next morning.

This shot was a mistake, but liked the strange effect so kept it anyway.

Local farmers really take a lot of effort to keep the appearance of their homes looking nice.

Wall of yellow!

Wall of green!

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Puking Puppy

This cage was useful for about six months. After moving to a new home, she can roam freely in the house destroying thing at her pleasure! 😉

Took her on first long road trip to Ibaraki Prefecture. She puked in the car all the and foamed at the mouth. Felt horrible for her. Very few road trips since then. 😞


Hot Puppy

Though it was a great and wonderful afternoon for us humans, poor Dale was getting really, really hot!

I took her off the hot sidewalk and let her play in the shade of the trees in the park.

Of course, she is not happy to stay in one place at a time. So, we went to all the shady parts within the park.

She was insistent on staying in the shade! 😊

After about one hour, she gave up and took a little nap in the shade under some bushes where the ground was moist and cool.


Beach Friend

We met another dog and his owner at the beach.

This was Dale's first trip to the beach. She loved the sand and being able to run leash-free.

Although she was afraid of the waves, she really loved playing with this little brown fella.



Fortunately, the other dog wasn't the least bit fazed by Dale's antics.

Dale -- passive aggressive.

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Green Sand

Took Dale to the beach for her first time to see the ocean. She was scared of the waves but had fun playing with her Frisbee.

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Afternoon Dog Walk

Dale enjoying one of her very first afternoon walks when she was only about 3 months old.

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Sunny Park

It was great weather today. Not too hot nor too cold. 

Dale is still too young to get her immunization shots, so the best time to take her out for a walk is when there are likely no other dogs that could infect her with rabies or other diseases. 

Her big floppy paws are out of proportion with the rest of her soft, cuddly body.