Took Dale to the Iijima Shimin Park in our neighborhood for her evening walk.
Their is a man-made creek that runs along the edge of the park with these huge slabs of stone used for bridges.
Dale loves to run across to the other side and sniff around the water’s edge.
As usual, she can’t resist to jump into the water.
This is a downstream view of the creek.
This is an upstream view.
This is the first bridge that is upstream.
Dale deciding where she should go to jump into the water — from the shore or just jump in from the bridge.
Some strange looking flowering plants can be seen in the park.
These leaves are quite colorful during the day, but slippery when wet!
Don’t know what kind of fruit this is, but all my neighbors have them growing in their yards.
Normally, this flower is red or pink. Was a bit surprised to find a white one growing in my neighbor’s yard.
Pix4Japan by R.D.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.