
Scarecrow Bamboo

One our my neighbors had this teeny, tiny scarecrow in their flower garden. Obviously, this is not to actually scare the crows away. In fact, it might just entice them to her garden to steal it?!

Some more spring flowers in full bloom. Love the contrast of beautiful spring flowers next to or in a bamboo grove. Usually, the bamboo blocks out most sunshine from reaching the ground making it a little difficult for other species to thrive.

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Muddy Girl

Played fetch in the small park next to the parking lot. The puppy had a lot of fun and worked up a "sweat."

Apparently, she feels a lot cooler chilling out in the muddy waters of a rain gutter. She had so much fun in the mud. I had a lot of "fun" cleaning her up afterwards!


Sunny Ears

The sun finally made her appearance in the afternoon after a morning of lousy weather. 

Took the puppy to a local cemetery for her dog walk and let her run loose without the leash. Quite a warm and nice afternoon. 

Would love to ask her what it means when she puts her ears back. 

Puppy enjoying her run up the stairs located on the cemetery grounds. 


Violet Border

These spring blossoms were in full bloom on the side of a road bordering a farmer's small field of vegetables. 

Usually take the puppy by the flowers during our nightly stroll since it's close to the park where we like to play fetch with a ball or Frisbee. 

Glad we walked by the same route this morning and were able to see the vibrant colors more clearly!


Enoshima Shrine

A steel plaque at the top of the torii gate leading to the major shrines atop Enoshima Island.

The guardian deity, lion-dog, guarding the shrines at Enoshima.

Beautiful bridge used to access some of the shrines on the island.


Floral Puppy

Puppy at a local park playing on the children's playground equipment.

One of my neighbors had these intriguing flowers planted in the front of their house.

I wish I knew what the names of these flowers are in both English and Japanese!

Neighborhood Morning

It was a little bit warm this morning, so the puppy wanted to take a short rest in the shade next to this motorscooter.

Spring flowers growing at the entranceway of the driveway to a farmers home in my neighborhood.

Cherry blossoms starting to warm up in the morning sunshine, after a cool, brisk spring night.