
Critter Scent

Morning dog walk in the nearby bamboo grove.

Possibly checking out the scent of small critters living in the bamboo grove.

Love this old, huge, thick tree at the top of the hill next to the bamboo grove.

iPhone creates nice effect of the morning sun shining through the bamboo grove.

She doesn't want to leave the grove and head back home.

Soccer Mud

We found a soccer ball in the local park. 

How she loves the mud!

Time to take a bath!


Shinto Border

Morning dog walk past a local Shinto Shrine.

Posing for me on a bridge near the shrine.

At the bottom of the stairs leading to the shrine.

At a park near the local shrine.


Dog Shrubbery

Was able to get some nice shots at a local park during an early evening dog walk.

Hiding in the shrubbery at the park.

Come here!

Even moss grows on the nearby hill in the local park.

Adult Teeth

Afternoon dog walk near a nearby high school.

Adobe-colored clay on the side of the hill near a local high school.

She chews on anything she can these days as her adult teeth come in.

Not often I can get her to pose for me with a side view.

I think she was looking at a crow flying over.

Roof Architecture

Spring blossoms in front of neighborhood home.

I love the more traditional Japanese architecture.

Japanese tiles are great for taking pictures. Also, quite resilient during typhoons.

This roofing shows the family seal of the homeowner (orange symbol in middle).

Nose Leaf

We found a new steep stepped trail leading to the top of a nearby hill. 

The hill has a very small grove of trees and bamboo.

She loves her morning walks the most.

Morning sun shining through the bamboo.

Notice the leaf stuck to her nose!

One of my favorite shots! So cute!