It rained this morning, but by noon, the skies and somewhat cleared. Left beautiful drops of water everywhere, and greens were greener!
Tourists feed the school of various colored carp in the large pond in the garden.
This boat is simply for display, but does a evoke a kind of romantic image.
The trees around the pond are immaculately trimmed and well shaped to give them that "Japanese" look.
The park also acts as a kind of refuge for wild birds who happen to be flying over and looking for a place to rest.
From the shores of the pond, you can see the roofs of old buildings that were meticulously broken apart and reassembled in the garden grounds.
The park is planned out in such a way that no matter what time of year you visit, you can be sure to enjoy some floral attractions.
Love the red paint on the boat.
Unlike some of the older buildings with their thatched roofs, some of the other historical buildings are actually old shrines or temples that were to be destroyed and saved by the original builder of the garden.
Red bridges are found all over Japan, whether it is at a garden, a shrine, or a temple.
I think that these might lilacs.
Depending on the lighting the boat looks more brown than red.
A very old tree that needs actual bamboo supports to keep it from falling over and killing itself.
Pix4Japan by R.D.S. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.