
Maple, Moss, and Mushroom

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A Hint of Autumn’s Arrival
(Aki no Otozure no Kehai)

As I traversed along the trail leading to Tateshina-Otaki Falls, the forest floor revealed delicate signs of autumn. A single yellow-brown leaf rested quietly amidst a bed of vibrant green moss, its edges curled reflecting the dryer air of the season’s change. 

Scattered nearby, a few acorns lay nestled into the soft moss, while clusters of small, golden-orange mushrooms peeked through the mossy carpet enveloping nearby boulders, subtly heralding the arrival of cooler days. These natural details painted a serene, miniature landscape that seemed to capture a fleeting moment of transition.

The Tateshina-Genserin Primeval Forest, cradled over 1,300 meters above sea level in Nagano Prefecture, is a testament to the untouched beauty of nature. For thousands of years, this forest has largely remained free from the touch of modern development, offering a rare window into an ancient, undisturbed ecosystem. Its tranquility wraps around visitors like a warm embrace, providing a sense of solace and connection with the past.

From the nearby parking area, where convenient public restrooms are available, a well-marked trailhead invited me and my border collie to step into this peaceful world. The path meanders beside the gentle Takinoyu River, its banks lined with moss and old growth trees, creating a sanctuary of green.

Every step was a deeper and deeper immersion into nature’s timelessness, with the vibrant moss and scattered autumnal signs keeping you company along the way. As you walk deeper into the forest, the sound of cascading water grows stronger, leading you toward the breathtaking destination—the Tateshina-Otaki Falls, a wonder waiting to be revered and photographed.

① Orang Mosscap Mushroom
  • Location: Chino, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
  • Timestamp: 10:27・2024/09/11
  • Fujifilm X100V with 5% diffusion filter
  • ISO 320 for 1/400 sec. at ƒ/2.0
  • Astia/Soft film simulation
② Maple Leaf
  • Location: Chino, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
  • Timestamp: 10:46・2024/09/11
  • Fujifilm X100V with 5% diffusion filter
  • ISO 320 for 1/400 sec. at ƒ/2.0
  • Astia/Soft film simulation

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Akiakane Dragonfly

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Fauna of Mishaka-Ike Pond: Akiakane Dragonfly

  • Location: Chino, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
  • Timestamp: 08:06・2024/09/11
  • Fujifilm X100V with 5% diffusion filter
  • ISO 320 for 1/900 sec. at ƒ/3.6
  • Velvia/Vivid film simulation

While wrapping up my photo walk along the shore of Mishaka-Ike Pond in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, I came across several akiakane dragonflies (Sympetrum frequens), also known as Autumn darters, perched atop the barrier fence posts lining the northern shoreline of the pond.

The Autumn darter is a species endemic to Japan. These dragonflies migrate to high mountains, where they feed, before descending to lower-altitude bodies of water like ponds or rice fields to breed.

In Japan, akiakane dragonflies are often associated with the arrival of autumn. One well-known haiku by Kaya Shirao (加舎白雄, 1738–1791) even references the dragonfly:

秋の季の (aki no ki no)
赤蜻蛉に (aka tonbo-u ni)
定まりぬ (sadamirinu)

The start of autumn
Is always decided by
The red dragonfly.

Dragonflies also symbolize courage, strength, and happiness in Japanese culture. Personally, I love how different species of dragonflies display vivid colors and patterns, from reds and blues to greens. I especially admire their flight and their distinctive double set of wings.

The dragonfly in my photo appeared to be drinking dew droplets that had collected on the post. This might explain why it didn’t fly away, unlike many of the others I tried to photograph earlier.

Getting close enough to this dragonfly without disturbing it was challenging. The fixed lens on my camera didn’t allow me to zoom in, so I had to move in physically. Naturally, this is a cropped image—the actual distance from the dragonfly was about half an arm’s length.

The iconic akiakane dragonfly uses flooded rice paddies during the nymph stage of its lifecycle. Unfortunately, as of 2020, broad-spectrum pesticides, including neonicotinoids, are still used in rice farming in Japan. These chemicals, though banned in some other countries, are toxic to dragonflies and other aquatic life in ponds, lakes, and streams where agricultural runoff accumulates.

The fact that I saw so many akiakane around this pond may indicate that local rice paddies are not heavily reliant on such pesticides. If so, it’s a positive sign for the area's ecosystem.


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Mishaka-Ike Pond Sunrise

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Touched by the Warmth of Dawn’s Light

  • Location: Chino, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
  • Timestamp: 08:04・2024/09/11
  • Fujifilm X100V with 5% diffusion filter
  • ISO 320 for 1/550 sec. at ƒ/2.8
  • Provia/Standard film simulation

Earlier, I captured photos of Mishaka-Ike Pond during blue hour, right before my border collie and I ventured off to explore the nearby waterfalls. A couple of hours later, we returned, curious to see how the golden morning light would transform the scene.

Unlike the stillness of dawn, when the pond's surface was as smooth as glass, the air now stirred slightly, creating soft ripples that broke the mirror-like reflections of the surrounding woodlands. The scene had shifted from the cool tones of blue, teal, and turquoise to warmer hues of golden lime, olive, and yellow—an entirely different palette.

Though the reflections weren't as crisp as earlier, I believe first-time visitors would still be delighted by the beauty of the pond and eager to capture its charm for their social media posts if they arrived after sunrise.

Located about 197 km (122 miles) northwest of Tokyo, the pond is a 2- to 3-hour drive via the Chuo Expressway, depending on traffic. Despite its natural appearance, the pond is actually a man-made reservoir, constructed for local farmers. Today, it draws many visitors, with public restrooms conveniently located across the street and two parking lots—one for tour buses and another for private cars.


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Border Collie at Falls

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Trusty Exploring Companion by the Shibu River’s Edge

  • Location: Chino, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
  • Timestamp: 07:16・2024/09/11
  • Fujifilm X100V with 5% diffusion filter
  • ISO 2000 for 1/250 sec. at ƒ/2.8
  • Provia/Standard film simulation

I wrapped up my photo shoot of the Oshidori-Kakushi Falls, tucked away in the upper reaches of the Shibu River, with this serene shot of Dale-chan, my loyal border collie, as she took a much-needed rest after navigating the rocky shoreline.

This peaceful waterfall, embraced by the verdant greenery of Yokoya Gorge in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, provided us both with a refreshing retreat from the constant buzz of life in the Tokyo metropolitan area, a moment of calm amid nature’s embrace.


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Rust Red Patina and Chatsubomi Moss

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Rust Red Patina and Chatsubomi Moss of Oshidori-Kakushi Falls

  • Location: Chino, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
  • Timestamp: 06:49・2024/09/11
  • Pentax K-1 II + DFA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 + CP
  • 28 mm ISO 100 for 1/4 sec. at ƒ/11

Overlooking the upper reaches of the Shibu River, this tranquil waterfall is embraced by the lush greenery of Yokoya Gorge in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, offering visitors a connection to both nature and history.

Yokoya Gorge, known by locals as the "Iron Valley," has long been revered for its mineral-rich springs. The waters that flow through the gorge contain high levels of iron carbonate, which oxidize upon contact with air, tinting the rocky riverbeds with a distinct reddish-brown hue. This rust-colored patina reflects on the valley’s long geological history, a history that locals and travelers have admired for generations.

Adding to its beauty, the gorge is home to acidic hot springs, which give life to a unique species of moss known as chatsubomi. This velvety moss thrives in the gorge’s harsh, acidic waters, carpeting the rocks and riverbed in a lush, emerald green. The juxtaposition of the moss against the reddish rocks creates a scene that is both intriguing and vibrant.

For over a century, the nearby Meiji Onsen Ryokan has welcomed travelers seeking both healing and rest. Many of these guests, after a long day of bathing in the rejuvenating hot springs, would wander down to the falls, marveling at the beauty that remains unchanged despite the passage of time.


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Oshidori-Kakushi Falls: View from Meiji Onsen

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Oshidori-Kakushi Falls: A View from Meiji Onsen
「鴛鴦隠し滝」と「山の宿 明治温泉」の風景

  • Location: Chino, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
  • Timestamp: 06:49・2024/09/11
  • Pentax K-1 II + DFA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 + CP
  • 28 mm ISO 100 for 1/4 sec. at ƒ/11

Meiji Onsen Ryokan (featured in the upper right of the photo) is a traditional Japanese inn, steeped in 136 years of rich history.

Nestled beside the Shibu River, the ryokan overlooks a picturesque, multi-tiered, Oshidori-Kakushi Falls that gracefully cascade over moss-covered boulders. These rocks are tinged red from the mineral-rich, acidic waters flowing from the inn’s natural hot springs, creating a striking contrast with the lush greenery that surrounds the area.

Although Meiji Onsen officially opened its doors in 1888, the hot springs have been in use since the mid-1800s, initially providing relief to local farmers from nearby villages. Over the years, the restorative properties of the springs have attracted visitors seeking relief from fatigue and various ailments, such as neuralgia, rheumatism, and poor blood circulation.

The hot springs that feed the ryokan are classified as ferruginous springs, rich in iron carbonate. When exposed to oxygen, this iron turns a deep reddish-brown, giving the rocks downstream their unique rust-like hue—a testament to the springs' mineral content and natural beauty.


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Oshidori-Kakushi Falls

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Cool Mists and Mossy Falls: Summer Magic at Oshidori-Kakushi Falls
(Yokoya Keikoku no Tadan Taki: Oshidori-Kakushi Taki)

  • Location: Chino, Nagano Prefecture, Japan
  • Timestamp: 06:41・2024/09/11
  • Pentax K-1 II + DFA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 + CP
  • 37 mm ISO 100 for 0.6 sec. at ƒ/11

Situated at an altitude of 1,510 meters in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, Oshidori-Kakushi Falls grace the upper reaches of the Shibu River as it winds through the scenic Yokoya Gorge.

Conveniently located just below the historic Meiji Onsen Ryokan, the falls are only a short 10-minute walk from the nearby Mishaka-Ike Pond parking lot, making it a perfect addition to a day of exploration. From the Tokyo metro area, access to this natural gem is less than a four-hour drive, making it an ideal retreat for those looking to escape the city.

The falls are celebrated for their captivating landscape, where vibrant moss blankets the rocks, thriving alongside lush foliage. This greenery contrasts beautifully with the reddish hue of the earth, colored by the mineral-rich, acidic waters flowing from nearby hot springs.

In summer, Oshidori-Kakushi Falls unveil a stunning palette of greens, blues, and azure, while autumn transforms the scenery into a brilliant display of reds, oranges, and yellows. For those seeking a peaceful and cool retreat during the summer heat, arriving just before sunrise offers not only a cooler temperature but also a refreshing mist that fills the air, creating a rejuvenating experience for all who visit.  


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